I travel the world, do the impossible, and help brands grow that make this world a better place.

Recent posts:

“All children, except one, grow up.“ No line defines the book as the opening sentence. And I picked up Peter Pan at …

It’s just a little past the midway of 2019, and I think I just read the book of this year. I am …

Winding down on a stuttering ship,Towards the harbor called life.The nomad swayed without a destination,All alone, in the concrete jungle of silence. Along …

If the cloud burst to pave a path For streaming rain and puddles, Will you dance under the symphony To quash the …


My Skillset:

Content Creation

Customer Relationship Management

Business Development


Social Media Management

What i hope to do?

 I want to change the world and make it a better place. Talk about cliché! Aye, aye…

On a serious note, I hope to build and create brands and businesses that aspire to dream, believe and achieve. 

I hope to be the best brother, son, a friend and a human being that I can possibly be. And for that, I too need to change, work and improve daily.

Luckily, we still have time, dear fellow earthlings! As such, there is no reason for not grasping these infinite ephemeral moments passing through us. Hold fast 😀

I am hopeful because of the peeps that have helped me, that keep on helping me. Over and over and over again. I owe them a lot. And, this is a humongous understatement!

So, my only plan is to improve, personally and professionally. Dattebayo!

Contact me:

    I typically reply to all email inquiries within 24 hours.